Product Information
Predgreti krožniki se v restavracijah uporabljajo za zagotavljanje optimalnega okusa jedi in tudi za preprečevanje prehitrega ohlajanja hrane. Tako lahko porabite več časa za okrasitev hrane na krožnikih pred serviranjem. Grelnik krožnikov Solis je prava obvezna oprema za amaterske kuharje, ki iščejo malo več, da svojo večerjo doma spremenijo v doživetje restavracije.
Segreje do 10 krožnikov od majhnih do velikosti 32 cm v samo 12 minutah. The maximum power of 220 W heats the panels up to a temperature of 70 °C. Uporaba bombaža in dvojna izolacija grelnika krožnikov zagotavlja maksimalno ohranjanje toplote. Tkanina je odporna na vlago in enostavna za čiščenje, brez škodljivih barvil in nudi optimalne lastnosti za zaščito plošče pred praskami. Samodejna regulacija toplote z varnostnim termostatom poskrbi, da ploščni grelec vzdržuje temperaturo na varni in konstantni ravni.

Optimal taste
The preheated plates allow an optimal tasting of your dishes.

Double isolation
Double isolation and moisture protection.

Up to 10 plates
With this plate warmer you can heat up to 10 plates at the same time.

Pleasant in every way
These plate warmers are made with a material free of harmful dyes.

Up to 32 cm plates
Solis Maxi Gourmet Sand/Beige plate warmer is suitable for plates with a maximum diameter of 32 cm.

Removable cable
Thanks to the removable cable, the plate warmer can be washed in the washing machine, by hand and tumble-dried (at low temperature).
More About Maxi Gourmet
Ta grelnik krožnikov Solis je primeren za pripravo in dekoracijo hrane na optimalno predhodno ogretih krožnikih za doživetje obedovanja v restavraciji. Discover the improved taste and perfect aroma as in a gourmet restaurant.
Powerful and efficient, yet easy to use: simply turn on the plate warmer, insert the plates and let them heat evenly to the desired temperature before turning the heater off, letting it cool and removing the warm plates.
The plate warmer also offers moisture and overheating protection to prevent permanent damage from overuse. The design of the plate warmer allows for space-saving storage in even the smallest kitchen.